“Goldfinger” movie review by Roger Ebert

Posted to RogerEbert.com on January 31, 1999—

Goldfinger [four stars]

“James Bond is the most durable of this century’s movie heroes, and the one most likely to last well into the next ….

Of all the Bonds, ‘Goldfinger’ (1964) is the best, and can stand as a surrogate for the others …. [It] contains all the elements of the Bond formula that would work again and again. It’s also interesting as the link between the more modest first two Bonds and the later big-budget extravaganzas; after this one, producers Albert “Cubby” Broccoli and Harry Saltzman could be certain that 007 was good for the long run ….

LINK: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-goldfinger-1964


By Dell Deaton

Internationally recognized expert on James Bond watches. Authoritative feature articles in "Revolution," "WatchTime," and "WristWatch" magazines, in multiple language. Curator of two galleries and three themed exhibits, 2010 to present at National Watch & Clock Museum. First accepted as professional member by American Marketing Association in 1991.